Corporate FD

Company Fixed Deposit (corporate FD) is a term deposit which is held over fixed period at fixed rates of interest. It is offered by Financial and Non-Banking financial companies (NBFCs). The maturities of various company fixed deposits can range from a few months to a few years.

These fixed deposits options varying in tenures, interest rates and institutions to suit your investment needs. Avail stable returns and benefit from much reduced volatility through a wide range of AAA, AA-, FAAA rated Company Fixed Deposits like HDFC Ltd, Mahinda & Mahindra FD, Sriram Transport FD etc.

Key Benefits of Corporate FD

Enjoy greater payoffs from Corporate FD as compared to Bank FD.


Enjoy better liquidity with Corporate FD with a lower lock-in period.


Choose Corporate FD as per your preference from a variety of tenures such as, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.

Lower Risk

Avail the benefit of reduced risks with Corporate FD which are backed by reputed rating agencies like CRISIL, ICRA,CARE.